In a recent letter to Bishop Luis Zarama, the National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops expressed its thanks to the Diocese of Raleigh for its contribution of $163,563.72 in support of the 2022 Retirement Fund for Religious collection.
"We are very grateful to you and your parishioners for your generous support of our mission," Executive Director Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM, wrote to the bishop.
The generosity of parishioners in the diocese enables the NRRO to distribute financial and educational assistance that help religious communities provide for older members while continuing to serve the People of God.
These parishioner contributions offer much-needed support for the elderly sisters, brothers and religious order priests who benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious through medications, nursing care, and other day-to-day necessities. A portion of the appeal also underwrites programming and education that promote long-term retirement planning.
Since the collection was launched in 1989, contributions from the Diocese of Raleigh have totaled $5,976,013.07. To learn more about how the Retirement Fund for Religious helps religious communities care for senior members today and tomorrow or to make an additional donation, please visit https://retiredreligious.org.