Hi, 2020. Why are you stopping by? I thought you left town. Actually 2020, don't come in, and don’t sit down. Yes, keep your mask on. You've made me uncomfortable for a long time and, so, you can just stand here on the porch. I know this is not southern hospitality, but I think that I am being fair, given the circumstances.
You don't think that's fair? Well, let me tell you why it is.
I have had to talk to loved ones through the windows of nursing homes. I have a niece who was born during your tenure, that I haven’t even held yet. I had five strong goals that you crippled with your “new way” of doing things. I had to go to my daughter’s graduation via a screen. There were four funerals, two weddings, three confirmations and a beach trip that were replaced by letters and emails and shared pictures. I needed those hugs, those prayers and those people. You made sure we stayed apart. Even sports were gone, and they used to unite us when politics and economics pulled us apart. I can think of at least six other items that I had hoped would happen during your time, 2020, but you made sure that they didn't happen. I just feel justified in being a little rude to you.
You want to try to explain yourself? Well, OK. I'll listen.
OK. So you're right, some of those things would have happened no matter what year it was. Yes, I know that a lot of family gatherings changed, and they became small immediate family gatherings. You are correct, 2020, I did in fact spend more time with the family I live with and, yes, I did get letters and emails from people I haven’t talked to in a while. Yes, some of the family pictures that were shared are priceless! I have to agree that even though it was harder to get to Mass, now I appreciate the Holy Mass even more. OK. I'll give you that one; you made your point.
What do you mean when you asked me if I “enjoyed the insteads”? You mean, “instead” of graduation, seven faculty members came and put a sign in the yard and congratulated my daughter? “Instead” of little league games, I threw more catch with my son? “Instead” of going to the conference this year, I stayed home and made homemade pizza with my wife and kids?
Those were some good “insteads.”
2020, I guess you can come in for a short visit. But you are still leaving town, aren’t you? Maybe I did rush to judgment about you. Yes, 2021 is filled with hope, but there may be nuggets of gold we can share from our time together. Maybe I do need to reflect. Have a seat, would you like some iced tea? Let’s start with a prayer.