The Diocese of Raleigh is pleased to introduce the 2021-22 seminarians of the diocese. These 20 young men pursuing a vocation to the priesthood reflect the diversity of our diocese in their backgrounds and through receiving a broad diversity of academic and pastoral experiences as part of their formation.
Under the formation direction of Very Reverend Jeffrey A. Bowker, V.F., Pastor of Saint Therese Parish, Wilson, and Dean of the Tar River Deanery, and with Reverend James J. Magee, III, Pastor of Saint Peter’s Parish, Greenville, serving as Promoter of Vocations, Diocese of Raleigh seminarians continue to receive a range of educational experiences via five different schools in the eastern U.S. from Louisiana to Philadelphia. In the video, Seeing beyond one seminary, Bishop Zarama explains that each seminary has its own gifts and that having seminarians attending different schools throughout the country helps them to see diverse formations and bring the differences back to the service of the diocese.
This year, seminarians will continue the practice of a pastoral year as part of their formation. The purpose of a pastoral year is to give a seminarian ongoing formation (Human, Spiritual, Academic and Pastoral) in discernment towards the diocesan priesthood, while participating in the daily life of a parish and under the supervision of one of our diocesan priests.
The current pastoral year assignments are as follows: Andres Arevalo Quinchanegua, St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Cary; Cong Le, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, Raleigh; John Lewis, Saint Mary Magdalene Parish, Apex; Ross Williams, Infant of Prague, Jacksonville; Omeed Huemiller, Saint Peter Parish, Greenville.
Please pray for each seminarian by name and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and to religious life.
For more information please visit Diocese of Raleigh Vocations and NCPriest.org.
Download the 2021-22 seminarian poster (PDF)